Independent Development
One of my favourite hobbies has always been creating games and modifications since I was 14.
The game that really inspired me to do this was Quake World Team Fortress.
Now that I have learnt programming, it has allowed me to create my own projects and bring some of my ideas to life.
Flap N Pop
I created Flap N Pop as a way to test out some new skills, and see if I could make my own little game during the Trimester 2 break.
Inspired by Flappy Bird, this was my first attempt at creating a Spiritual Successor that actually stays true to the originals mechanics and not just an aesthetical element, and was originally intended to be a mobile game that I could use in interviews to demonstrate what I can do, however, due it being quite simple, it doesn't quite showcase what I really want to demonstrate, that being I want to be able to show perspective employers that I can pretty much build anything.
It also kept friends and family entertained for a few days.
I later added google ads and invited Amit to work with me on the project, which has been side-lined till we complete our degrees.Engine: UnityDuration: 1 Day
Gem Hunter Bot
This was my first attempt at a complete game with a core gameplay loop.
Our brief was to use C# scripting to create a randomized collection game, I decided to take it a few steps further to give myself plenty of learning opportunities.
I relied heavily on pre-made assets, and self directed learning to accomplish this project, as I was still very new to the Unity engine.
This project allowed me to learn terrain, animation, UI, audio, cinemachine, and C#, and getting comfortable with the engines interface.
Engine: Unity
Duration: 3 Weeks
Who is the main character??
This project was a 3 hour game jam exercise we did at the end of trimester 4.
We were given the subject "You are not the main character" and told we had 3 hours to build a game around this concept.
So I thought it would be funny to have some fun with that idea, and made this game, where you literally needed to find the main character.
(Which I felt was really funny, and a clever take on the topic)
What's even funnier is that you can figure out who the main character is by a subtle spelling and punctuation mistake!
Engine: Unity
Duration: 3 Hours
Research Outpost 1
Part of learning Unity at SAE required us to learn basic game scripting, this is the first complete game project I had ever made, which showcased a simple health bar, a watcher script and some of my level design.
While completing this project I learnt a lot of things about the Unity engine, and after creating this it really inspired me to master the engine, and see what else I could create.
While it wasn't an extremely huge project it was a great challenge and learning experience for me.
Engine: Unity
Duration: 2 Weeks
Once More With Feeling
A project designed to showcase GAME FEEL, during my Trimester 5 Studio.
This is more of a fully playable tech demo, showcasing some basic game feel techniques, its a platform shooter that can be iterated on, demonstrating each or all the different techniques used to make this ordinary game into something a bit more special.